Thursday, April 18, 2013

Turning TV Time into Weight Loss

By: Max Craigwell

A lot of people spend enormus amounts of time infront of the TV. Often much to the detrement to their personal health, responsibilities, etc. Obviously it is recommended that a first step to overall improvement of quality of life would be to reduce the amount of time infront of the TV. However, realistically even if you can reduce your time infront of the TV, your still going to spend a decent amount of time still watching.

It would also seem that TV, is the reason many don't exercise. Besides lasziness, the reason is usually that they don't have enough time for both. I can totally relate, I really don't want to miss some of my favorite shows lke Lost or 24 or whatever, and because of that exercise often gets cut from my list of to do's! Yes I realize that may not be the right choice, but at this stage it is my reality.

So what is the answer? For me it actually ended up being quite an easy solution. I purchased an exercise bike. Now I can role out my bike infront of the TV, pedal away for 30 minutes to an hour and watch TV at the same time.

The beauty of this is two fold. First, I am no longer just sitting on the couch getting fatter! I can now use the time I am indulging in my favorite shows to burn a few calories and actually improve my over all fitness over even a weeks time. I even found within a few weeks that I had been able to ride the bike several hundred miles, burn thousands and thousands of calories and stay caught up on my TV. The result I lost some weight, imporved my cardiovascular health, and even my endurance to be able to ride for extended periods. The second benefit of combining stationary bike riding with your TV is distraction. In fact it was very helpful for me, as the first few times I rode, my out of shape body began to rebel and urge me to quit. When my focus shifted to what I was watching and not on the pain and fatigue that was challenging me, I was able to push through much easier and more often. As my body became accustomed to the work out, I increased my speed and the length of time I was using the bike, this increased the fatigue and pain on my body once again. However, I continued to leverage the distraction of TV to help me focus on something besides the pain.

Yes, I know the old adage is "NO PAIN NO GAIN" so I am not suggesting you eliminate the pain, but that you simply choose to distract yourself from it. In turn, you will find that you can work out harder and longer! Try getting a exercise bike today, and whil Jack Bauer uses his 24 hours to battle bad guys you can use it to battle fat. Check out for great deals on fitness bikes and more.

(Please note that the distraction does not have to be TV, I have also taken to reading while on my staionary bike, watching movies, listening to my ipod, etc. Also, the exercising does not have to be a bike. You can also use and Elliptical, a treadmill, or even do set ups, push ups, etc.)

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