Thursday, April 11, 2013

Why Morning Workouts Are Best ?!

There are several reasons why morning workouts are best. Take note that I didn't say it was easy. I don't think it's ever easy, not if you actually do the work part of the workout. I've been working out for many years and every morning I do a 30 minute routine to get myself ready for the day. I may workout later in the day as well, but I really want to make sure I get that pick me up before I head out the door so that I feel energized and ready to tackle anything that may come my way.

Take a moment and read my list of reasons why I believe morning workouts are best:
--> 1. Morning workouts prepare you for the day, not just physically, but mentally as well. You will be more alert and your body will be ready to go.

2. You don't have to think about fitting it in later when you're wore out from a hard days work.
3. You feel like you've accomplished something and you can brag about it at work.

4. If you have to do any type of physical labor your muscles are warmed up and ready so that you're less likely to have an injury.

5. This is an extension of # 4. In winter you can shovel snow like crazy and not hurt your back; you're ready for anything. Even changing a car tire!

6. This one is gold. Morning workouts instill discipline and will help you to be more disciplined in other areas of your life.

7. You will feel and look more confident after morning workouts, ready to take on whatever comes your way, including sure to happen annoyances.

There you have it, 7 reasons why morning workouts are best. It's the single most important thing you can do to have a better day. And it doesn't have to be a killer workout. All I do for my morning workouts is ride my stationary bike for 20 minutes, work my abs for 5 minutes then do 5 minutes of stretches to finish up.

Sometimes for a change of pace or to challenge myself I'll do an exercise video.

There are many forms of exercise to choose from. Here are some ideas: Yoga, Pilates, weight training, walking, jogging, calisthenics, swimming, cycling and exercise videos. The best part is, most of these you can do at home; all you need is the equipment. Another great idea is to get a partner for motivation and support.

This could be a family member or friend, anybody that's willing.

Finally, choose a type of exercise you like so that you won't quit after a week or two, but will continue to do your morning workouts for years to come.


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